Thank you for reading

Due to time limitations and internet protocols I am officially closing the Shanghai Chronicle after getting so many emails - "Are you still in China?" The answer is "Yes." Living life is taking up my time. If I again blog, I will make sure to let you know. Two years isn't bad!

All the best - G (2010.03.16)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Class Reunion

While I was home for Christmas I got an email from my former Miracle Mandarin classmate Marina. She and her husband Marko (also a classmate) were back in Shanghai after a six month absence. We emailed back and forth for a while and then scheduled a brunch at my apartment for last Sunday. Attendees were Marina, Marko, Ade, Chris and me. Chris and Ade never took class at the same time but knew each other through me and both had taken classes with me, Marko and Marina.

It was a wonderful reunion, each of us with a significant life change since our initial meetings. I transferred to my new job in Shanghai, Marko and Marina got married in September, Chris will be moving to Yantai within the week and Ade is pregnant! We ate pancakes, eggs, bread (with nutella) and fruit and toasted the future with sparkling juice.

To the Chinese class which brought us together! To Shanghai! To Chen Zhuo(our old teacher)! To health! To good fortune! To being together now! To the future!

To all my readers - Happy Year of the Ox! May this year be the best year yet for all of us.



Anonymous said...

Seems Marina and Marko do have 夫妻相 (something in common that could be sensed from their lookings). Who is the best learner so far? I bet its Greta! :P

Unknown said...

Happy Year of the Ox to you too! It's my year :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Greta,
My name is Shanalee. I live in Chicago and volunteer at the Chinese Mutual Aid with Pail Lappin. He turned me on to your blog and I wondered if we could chat sometime... via electronic mail of course!