Thank you for reading

Due to time limitations and internet protocols I am officially closing the Shanghai Chronicle after getting so many emails - "Are you still in China?" The answer is "Yes." Living life is taking up my time. If I again blog, I will make sure to let you know. Two years isn't bad!

All the best - G (2010.03.16)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


When I was taking Chinese lessons last spring we had to come up with an idea for a TV program. My idea was entitled “Laowai yong kuaizi” which roughly translates to “Foreigners Using Chopsticks.” It was to be a cooking show with different guests as they learned about Chinese cuisine. Maybe someday when my consulting career has ended I will invest some energy in developing this show.

I flashed back to that Chinese class one day this week while I was eating lunch. I had asked one of the interns to get me an order of Guilin rice noodles and was happily slurping them down in my office with bamboo shoots, mushrooms and little pieces of meat. Then I realized – hey, I’m doing all this using chopsticks. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even classify foods as “difficult to eat” with chopsticks – it’s just food. Something that was definitely a consideration 15 months ago no longer exists.

I crave noodles in the winter – the ultimate comfort food. There are so many kinds here – rice noodles, pulled noodles, Japanese style noodles (udon), spicy noodles… They’re good, filling and affordable - $3 is a very high price. I’ve even learned how to make beef and noodles myself at home.

So – I am a laowai yong kuaizi. :)

Question – What food or method of eating have you discovered? Eating with your hands? Using the spoon to twirl pasta? Anything that is fun or funny? Share!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although Shanghai people has invented the crab-eight-tools to eat crab(大闸蟹), I think the most 爽 way is by hands. :=P