Thank you for reading

Due to time limitations and internet protocols I am officially closing the Shanghai Chronicle after getting so many emails - "Are you still in China?" The answer is "Yes." Living life is taking up my time. If I again blog, I will make sure to let you know. Two years isn't bad!

All the best - G (2010.03.16)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What do you get when you have...

- 27 friends
- 9 pages of lists
- 5 baguettes with 5 types of cheese
- 4 cakes (3 chocolate, 1 coffee)
- 3 weeks of prep
- 2 sous chefs (Todd & Chris)
- 1 awesome housewarming party

I threw a party on Sunday.
It rocked.

Ever since I moved into my new place at the end of September, I had been thinking about throwing a housewarming. My place is so big, it’s the perfect venue for a party and so after my things arrived I started planning to “warm my house” as one of my Chinese colleagues put it. I am blessed to have wonderful friends in Shanghai and everyone I invited came! There were 7 countries represented; friends from Kaien, or formerly from Kaien, Joy and Huang whose wedding I went to, my Chinese teacher, work colleagues, friends from random meetings…

The food was great, recipes and sauces from my friend Todd, a couple of my own dishes, cakes from Ade and Geoff; wine, cheese… what more could you ask for?

I didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday – I worked – but this Sunday was my ode to friendship and support. I could not live here without these people. I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to host them and share this time, in this city, together.

A few of my favorite party memories:
1) Chris helping me prep and washing dishes with “Happy Holidays” in the background
2) Ma Jian cooking river fish for us all
3) The corkscrew getting stuck on the bottle and Rolf saying “Violence solves everything!”
4) Convincing a Chinese friend to try cheese and she liked it so much that she tried all five kinds
5) Sampling sweet Chinese warm wine with plum
6) Todd giving a “dumpling lesson” to my coworkers in the kitchen
7) Joy giving me a toaster oven. Now I can bake!

Question – What was your favorite party? I'll hopefully post pictures from mine this week.

I can’t believe it, but I’ll be back in the States in a little over two weeks. I’m only home 8 days, and only in Michigan, so it’s a really short trip, but I’m very much looking forward to it. To a great holiday season!




Anonymous said...

I want to see your 9 pages of lists!!!!!☺
Glad you had a great time at your own party.
That's the way is should be. I'm excited to have
you home for Christmas.
Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you found a way to celebrate. I look forward to seeing your pictures. I thought about you a lot last week and wondered what you were up to. Looking forward to seeing you when you are home!


Anonymous said...

I think I love Rolf, too, now! :)

Anonymous said...

I still have fond memories of Halloween 2004 when Ken and I dressed as the Super Mario Bros and went with you to your co-worker's (or was it boss'?) party. That was a lot of fun.