Thank you for reading

Due to time limitations and internet protocols I am officially closing the Shanghai Chronicle after getting so many emails - "Are you still in China?" The answer is "Yes." Living life is taking up my time. If I again blog, I will make sure to let you know. Two years isn't bad!

All the best - G (2010.03.16)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Three Strikes...

Today I decided to skip my planned yoga class and head to my favorite spa to get a massage. The tension in my neck and shoulders has been returning since I started work again and it seemed like the perfect solution. It was a beautiful night and I bounced along ready to be kneaded and pressed until my shoulders relaxed and the tension drained away.

I arrived without an appointment, per the normal, but this time when I put in my request at the front for a body massage the receptionist just looked at me. I knew she understood my order because she then repeated it back, but instead of telling me to wait a minute or ask how long I would like, she said that they were booked. It was really disappointing, I was ready to spend the money, had cleared my schedule and now – no massage. Strike 1.

However, I had a back-up plan. Every day when I walk to work I pass a Spa 88 on the way. It looked very nice, probably more expensive than my preferred place, but still – a good retreat. Retracing my steps I entered and asked if they did body massage. This time the receptionist told me that they only service clients of the hotel, but I could get the price guide from the front desk. Strike 2. I explained that I live here and he said, “Oh, I can suggest a good place.”

Thus, directions in hand I attempted my third massage of the evening. However, the seemingly simple directions wound up getting me lost. At this point I was tired and hungry and after inquiring with a couple of security guards at various corners I couldn’t manage to find the place. Strike 3 - I went home.

I really am starting to dislike the phrase “不好意思” (bu hao yisi). The literal translation is “Not good meaning.” Contextually it’s kind of “Sorry to bother you” or “The situation is not good.” Or “I apologize for inconveniencing you.” or "I have absolutely no idea and you're a foreigner so I'm not going to figure it out because you wouldn't appreciate it anyway." People here use it a lot, especially tonight.

Question – What is your technique for coping with multiple disappointments? It seems like such a minor thing, but by the time I made it home I was wiped and my shoulders still hurt. What’s your preferred relaxation method?

On a lighter note, The Shanghai Chronicle has now been in existence for over a year! I’ve been contemplating the appropriate anniversary post and will hopefully post it this weekend. Thank you to all of you who’ve read and commented on my story here in Shanghai. Hopefully it will continue (with more massages) for quite some time to come.



Anonymous said...

When encounter multiple disappointments, I comfort myself by "塞翁失马,焉知非福".

Maybe you can get a massage chair or something as back up.

Looking forward your anniversary post. What a year... 呵呵~

Anonymous said...

coffee. and food. not recommended, but its what i do.

(btw - since i can't tell what the above comment meants, im going to assume its dirty... ;) )

Anonymous said...

Beer and B&W movies. Not healthy but it works!