Thank you for reading

Due to time limitations and internet protocols I am officially closing the Shanghai Chronicle after getting so many emails - "Are you still in China?" The answer is "Yes." Living life is taking up my time. If I again blog, I will make sure to let you know. Two years isn't bad!

All the best - G (2010.03.16)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Public space

Last night I finished work a little early (around 9pm) because I was testing a class and testing doesn't take the entire period. The weather was warm - mid60s or so - and I was walking towards the subway station when I suddenly heard music. Normally this would not cause me to pause, but this was ballroom dance music and I was walking down one of the biggest streets in Pudong, Century Avenue (or Shiji Da Dao). Looking around, in the square across the street there were about two dozen couples waltzing together, enjoying the evening under the street lights, twirling and dipping. Now all I need to do is find a partner.

Question - Where's your favorite place to dance?


Anonymous said...

In the "cages" at Heartland!!!! :-) But since I haven't been to the 'Bend in about 5 or 6 years, I guess I would have to say my kitchen is my favorite place. I get to pick the music, it makes meal preparation even more enjoyable, and nobody is around so I can really let loose. Ha ha. Though I always had fun at that bar we always went to in Toledo that was underneath that strip mall type place. Wow, I can't believe I'm forgetting the name of it. My memory must be slipping in my old age. Yeah, I'm totally drawing a blank. Was it Marea? Not sure. Anyway, I hope you're having fun. Miss you, Greta!!!

Anonymous said...

my head. everywhere else i look silly.

David said... work???

Unknown said...

On top of my bed! It's an excellent combo with jumping. Unfortunately word got out in India that I liked to "bed dance" and there were too many requests to see it, so I took a little break. It's more of a private thing. haha unfortunately Shelly took a video from one time I started dancing to shikira's hips don't lie in our's very embarrassing!

Anonymous said...

Naked in the living room !

Anonymous said...

all over my house when no one is watching