After a round of "Ni hao, Nimen hao. [hello, hello]" I looked at Chris. He shrugged. I shrugged back.
Earlier in the week we had told our landlords we didn't understand how to work the DVD player and we thought it was broken. This was their solution. Chris had told me earlier while I was at the gym the landlords had appeared bringing their friend in the red coat. The three of them had brought a manual for the DVD player and were reading it, trying to get it to work. They had then disappeared, telling Chris that they would come back later. About ten minutes before I arrived home, they had come back with the younger man who was now behind the television trying to get the DVD player to work. As I was watching this spectacle, another person knocked on the door - another younger man who talked to man #1 behind the television. The two of them proceeded to starting switching the cables around for the next 15 minutes or so.
At this point, we had five Chinese people in our apartment and me and Chris - that's 7 pairs of shoes outside the door. The two younger man managed to get the sound to work, but still no picture. I was starting to get antsy because I needed to take a shower before I went to work and there was no way that was going to happen with so many people in the apartment. Eventually the picture popped in the screen, complete with Chinese subtitles. I have never been so happy to see "Family Guy" before. It was great.
Within five minutes of the DVD player working, all 5 of our visitors were gone. The two younger men disappeared very quickly, but I managed to convince our landlords and their friend in the red coat to pose for a picture with me before they left.
Q - What has been your greatest technological victory? A new cell phone? Wireless internet? An automatic garage door opener? How did you conquer it?
Thanks for all your comments and emails, I've been battling a cold the last week and hearing from friends and family makes all the difference. Cheers!
Great to read your stories. Hope the weather holds up over there. The apartment looks great; your landlords seem like very nice people as well. Your holidays over there will certainly be different than over in the States. Chris's nephew, Edward, and I will be marching in the Philly New Year Parade in the comic division. Best of health in the New Year! As for technology, I am still trying to hook up a DVD with a cable box in the basement, and I am still learning how to use a cell phone.
-Chris's Dad aka Pop Jetson
Hooray you are wearing your MIT t-shirt! So I have technical problems with just about any kind of electronic, which is kind of ironic because I've attended two "technical institutes" but really not so bad because I can always find someone around to fix things for me! Hope the cold feels better.
Hi Greta....I didn't know that you had to take your shoes off before entering your own apartment. Interesting. And I love the picture! Are you around 6 feet tall...LOL As for the technical would probably be my learning how to use my cell phone. Not so much the calling, but all the other stuff that goes with it. And the computer....that's a whole other story! Eleanor (Chris's Mom and Pop Jetson's wife) Oh, Pop Jetson is more like Fred Flintstone!
Last week Kurt & Tony woke to no computer??? Of course Kurt asked Tony to fix things. Tony had no luck, so he had the neighbor Martin try and help? When I got home the next day I hit the "reset" button and had Tony call customer service for step by step help. Needless to say the computer was working? I guess it's true what they say. Never ask a man to do what a woman can do...
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